Every Child Deserves to Play!

Every Child Deserves to Play!



  • About

Sale Dental Care wants to raise £1500.

This will give a local child with learning disabilities, a place at Stockdales "Stockies Juniors Club" for a whole year!

Stockies Juniors is a popular weekend activity club for children with learning disabilities, autism and associated life-limiting conditions. It's a safe space place for children to relax, be themselves, make friends and have fun!

Life isn’t easy for some of the children or their families. The children who attend find it difficult to access and enjoy mainstream activities because they need intensive, specialist support. It's also a lifeline for parents and carers, as they get precious time for themselves and other siblings. The club is accessible for everyone, as there is no charge to families.          

Stockdales run Stockies Juniors every Saturday.

Each place costs £1500 per year, and Stockdales must raise this money!

Children with special needs deserve to have the same experiences as every other child. 

So donate today & help us give them a little magic every weekend!